What to Play in Timeless This Week
March 4, 2024
By rose-emoji

What To Play (in Best-of-Three)

Death’s Shadow

Free wins against Show and Tell and decent game against Domain and Burn if tuned for it. Really rough into Jund Midrange.

Stack your sideboard with Mystical Disputes and Spell Pierces.

Domain Zoo

Domain Zoo can take down Show and Tell with Stubborn Denial and Leyline Binding while having a faster clock than Grixis Shadow and the capability of dealing with a resolved Tarmogoyf, unlike Shadow.

Sultai Midrange

A well-tuned Sultai Midrange/Control deck has the potential to take over the current meta, with countermagic and hand disruption for Show and Tell, removal for Shadow, Domain Zoo and Jund Midrange, lifegain for Domain and Burn and the clock and blockers provided by the green mana splash.

Decks we’re looking to beat

Show and Tell

Domain Zoo

Jund Midrange

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