Standard Tier List

The Gathering’s Standard tier list is data-driven that looks at the past three week’s worth of event results, top finishes, and overall entries to determine which decks are currently the most popular and likely to be seen at any given event. There is a small amount of player input in regards to arrangement, but these lists are primarily reflective and backward looking.

They could be considered a power ranking, a popularity contest, or anything similar, but are not adjusted to provide advice. If you would like a tier list that provides play advice for decks as they’re poised in the coming week or weeks, check out IslandGoSAMe’s tier list

Updated Every Wednesday

S Tier

A Tier

Esper Midrange

A Disruptive Midrange Attackers Deck: Utilize specific meta answers and threats in the full scope of all three Esper colors to kill the opponent with the perfect card at the perfect time. Esper Midrange gets the most out of Raffine, Scheming Seer by conniving away mismatched interaction and redundant threats or growing the right kind of threat for any matchup.


A Controlling 5-Color Ramp Deck: Spend early turns changing cards into lands, then later turns changing those lands back into game-ending cards. Domain Control is a base G/W deck for easy access to ramp, sweepers, and stabilizing lifegain. The other three colors are a splash to kick Archangel of Wrath, cast Atraxa, and benefit from Domain spells like Herd Migration and Leyline Binding.

B Tier


A Midrange Creature Combo Deck: Use a variety of different creatures with the supertype Legend to attack, generate card advantage, and interact on different axes. NEO lands, Plaza of Heroes, and Relic of Legends pull extra value and discounts from the disparate creatures, allowing for a combo finish that loops creatures infinitely via Honest Rutstein or simply generates value from Slogurk.

Azorius Control

A Traditional Hard Control Deck: Answer threats, generate value, lock down the game, and win at your leisure. Azorius Control runs the best removal and sweepers available in standard, and the new addition of Deduce allows for even more two-mana counterspells. A few planeswalkers, lands, and Ezrim are the only win conditions needed once the board is empty.

Boros Convoke

An Aggressive Explosive Rectangles Deck: As quickly as possible, Boros Convoke wants to flood the board with permanents. One-mana creatures create additional artifacts and creatures, and these rectangles can then be used to power out convoke creatures, grow Warden of the Inner Sky to attack in the air, or simply grow as a team to attack wider than can be blocked.


Worldsoul Ramp

A Controlling Graveyard Ramp Deck: Worldsoul utilizes two resources that other decks have a difficult time interacting with by pulling lands from the graveyard. After enough instances of self-mill or SNC fetchlands, Worldsoul’s Rage and Aftermath Analyst generate a huge amount of mana to win with huge amounts of mana. Sweepers buy time and for recursion to act as card selection.

C Tier


A Consistent Aggressive Burn Deck: Your opponent starts with 20 life; That’s too many life; Make it 0 life, quickly! Attack with creatures and burn out the opponent, with a few ways to refresh the hand for cardflow. Being mono-colored allows for more creature-lands compared to other aggro decks, and significantly more budget-friendly substitution options.

Dimir Control

A Reactive Hard Control Mill Deck: Dimir Control simply kills every creature that hits the board, using Deadly Cover-Up and The End to permanently answer all copies of troubling or recursive threats. A few counterspells and powerful draw spells round out the lockdown equation until Jace and land creatures can slowly end the game, often by milling every card.

Golgari Midrange

A Resilient Midrange Value Deck: Play creatures with extra value or recursion, while killing opposing threats. Compared to other base-black color combinations, Golgari Midrange has access to more creatures like Mosswood Dreadknight and Sentinel of the Nameless City that generate value on their own, in addition to the standard suite of black removal and disruption.

D Tier

Bant Poison

An Aggressive Explosive Toxic Tempo Deck: Fight for every poison counter, protecting toxic creatures to deal damage that can’t be healed. Bant Poison is an aggressive deck that attacks on a different axis, invalidating lifegain and using Venerated Rotpriest to punish targeted removal. Dodge specific interaction and sweepers until the Poison builds up to a lethal dose.

Dimir Midrange

A Disruptive Midrange Cardflow Deck: Use cheap interaction every turn the opponent deploys a threat and flash creatures every time they don’t. Cheap, evasive threats keep cards flowing with Gix while Sheoldred and lifelink creatures bolster the lifetotal. With value creatures and cheap interaction, Dimir Midrange has some amount of a game plan against every standard deck.

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