Korae drops in to not only provide data on the most recent Timeless Metagame Challenge but explain what it means you you and I.
Timeless: UBx Tempo Guide
Chestheir joins in to share their updated Sideboard Guide for UBx Tempo
Neat Decking 11/23
Anthony covers all the hidden treasures of the 5-0 dumps!
Top Commons and Uncommons From Foundations
Anthony is back again with their Top Commons and Uncommons for Foundations with a bit of a change up in formula.
Enigmatic Incarnation – Proportional Manabase Theory
Community member, Christian “Sir EPIC”, joins us again to drop a step-by-step guide to Enigmatic’s mana
Neat Decking 11/1/24
Anthony covers all the hidden treasures of the 5-0 dumps and explains just how they are chosen