Dimir Tempo Sideboard Guide
August 1, 2024
By The Gathering Community

The Deck

Let me preface this by saying that this is a tempo deck, not a pure control deck.

Main points to remember when playing the deck:

  •  Card Advantage isn’t everything – Don’t tunnel too hard on getting the maximum value, sometimes a tempo advantage is enough to win

  •  Have a little empathy – Get a feel for what your opponent wants to do then make it hard for them to do what they want

  •  Mana is limited – There’s very few ways to cheat on mana in Timeless, focus on making plays that maximize yours and make your opponents use mana inefficiently

  •  Know who’s the beatdown – Roles are taken depending how a deck is built. This deck can shift into a control/aggressive role if needed but it’s important to remember that the deck does both. It won’t be able to beat them at their own game. You can’t beat a dedicated control deck by playing a control role and you won’t be able to out-aggro a dedicated aggro deck.

What is Tempo?


Tempo in the traditional sense is rate of speed. For this case, tempo decks are decks that are able to control the pace of the game.

Let’s define plays by tempo.

  •  Tempo positive – plays that put you ahead on mana (e.g using a fatal push on a 4 mv creature means you spent 1 mana to kill a 4 mana play which lets you use your mana for other things)

  •  Tempo negative – plays that put you behind on mana (e.g Thoughtseize/Discard spells are usually tempo negative plays since you spend mana and your opponent doesn’t, but if the discard spell disrupts opponent’s mana efficient play then it effectively gains you tempo)

  •  Tempo neutral – plays that puts neither player behind on mana (e.g Casting Dispel on a Fatal push or Counterspell on Counterspell)


This deck wants to always be tempo positive even if it doesn’t necessarily mean card advantage. It focuses on not letting opponents execute their gameplan while we play ours.

Why Play This Deck?


  •  Player Agency – Almost every choice matters. Something small like fetch timing, missing 1 point of damage, or using a spell snare instead of stern scolding could result in a game win/loss.

  •  Non-Repetitive Gameplay – Since there’s a lot of player agency, you can play games with whatever play style you want and can have varying results

  •  Even Matchups – A lot of matchups are determined by how you built your interaction suite. For example, you can tech this deck to play better against Show and Tell by dedicating more slots to things like Spell Pierce or Mystical Dispute

  •  Builds good habits – The difference in timing of casting spells or proper sequencing can be felt. It is frustrating at first but eventually leads you to becoming a better player.

  •  You like frog – Forg

Card Choices:

  •  Mana Drain

You should be warping your blue decks to be able to play this card. This card is a huge tempo swing even if it only counters a spell that costs the same since it refunds you the mana the following turn.

Lurrus is always available to use the free mana, which means you’re essentially drawing a card when you counter something at 3 mv.


  •  Thoughtseize/Inquisition of Kozilek

This is a proactive play that gives you information on what an opponent has. It’s also important in Timeless to have an impactful play starting Turn 1 which is why this is preferred over a spell pierce/spell snare.

This can also be used to protect your play or your threats. Notoriously bad against decks that have a lot of proactive plays with a low curve or redundancy.

  •  Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student

A proactive play that can threaten to be a win condition by itself when it becomes a Planeswalker. This card is easily turned into a Planeswalker since the deck runs Baubles and Brainstorms.

Otherwise, it draws you another card each time it is able to attack which makes it a must remove target.

Brainstorm can also protect this card from removal spells.

  •  Nethergoyf

An aggressively statted creature to apply pressure or stop pressure. For 1 mana this can grow easily up to a 4/5 which translates into a 5 turn clock or a wall for aggro.

It eventually replaces itself when needed using the escape cost.

  •  Psychic Frog

Poster child for Card Advantage < Tempo. You can discard cards from your hand to outgrow red based removal keeping a massive threat on the board.

This card will snowball hard if left unchecked and has a built-in card advantage engine and evasion.

  •  Cling to Dust

Played as a 1-of for games that go long. Prevents opponents from playing their GY based synergies (Phlage, Uro, Reanimate, Shifting Woodlands) or can be used to draw extra cards.

  •  Toxic Deluge

Played as a 1-of due to a high number of energy matchups. Could also be used to kill creatures that can’t be killed by Fatal push.


Mardu Energy


On the Play:

-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-4 Mana Drain +2 Spell Snare
-2 Drown in the Loch +2 Bloodchief’s Thirst
-2 Inquisition of Kozilek +1 Stone of Erech
-2 Thoughtseize +1 Unlicensed Hearse
+1 Toxic Deluge
+2 The Meathook Massacre

On the Draw:

-2 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-2 Mana Drain +2 Spell Snare
-1 Nethergoyf +2 Bloodchief’s Thirst
-2 Inquisition of Kozilek +1 Stone of Erech
-2 Thoughtseize +1 Unlicensed Hearse
-3 Psychic Frog +1 Toxic Deluge
+2 The Meathook Massacre
+1 Demonic Tutor

Match Up Notes:

  • On the play you can be a bit more aggressive. Deploy threats while using cheap removal to get rid of theirs.
  • On the draw you’ll have to take on a control role. Focus on prolonging the game and take full advantage of our access to Brainstorm/Treasure Cruise. We’re better suited to win topdeck wars because of the card selection we have.
  • Deploy Goyfs once they have reached more than 3 toughness.
  • Always play removal at the last moment. Threat assessment will be very important. (Tip: When in doubt, kill the Guide/Ajani)
  • Every other threat can be stonewalled by Nethergoyf or Tamiyo outside of Phalge.


Boros Energy

On the Play:

-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-4 Mana Drain +2 Spell Snare
-1 Drown in the Loch +2 Bloodchief’s Thirst
-2 Inquisition of Kozilek +1 Stone of Erech
-2 Thoughtseize +1 Toxic Deluge
+2 The Meathook Massacre


On the Draw:

-2 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-2 Mana Drain +2 Spell Snare
-2 Inquisition of Kozilek +2 Bloodchief’s Thirst
-2 Thoughtseize +1 Stone of Erech
-3 Psychic Frog +1 Toxic Deluge
+2 The Meathook Massacre
+1 Demonic Tutor

Match Up Notes:

  • Play around blood moon whenever you can.

  • On the play you can be a bit more aggressive. Deploy threats while using cheap removal to get rid of theirs.

  • On the draw you’ll have to take on a control role. Focus on prolonging the game and take full advantage of our access to Brainstorm/Treasure Cruise. We’re better suited to win topdeck wars because of the card selection we have.

  • Deploy Goyfs once they have reached more than 3 toughness.

  • Always play removal at the last moment. Threat assessment will be very important. (Tip: When in doubt, kill the Guide/Ajani)

  • Every other threat can be stonewalled by Nethergoyf or Tamiyo outside of Phalge..



Birthing Ritual


-2 Orcish Bowmasters +2 Spell Pierce
-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Snare
-1 Mana Drain +2 Bloodchief’s Thirst
-2 Drown in the Loch +1 Stone of Erech
-2 Inquisition of Kozilek +1 Toxic Deluge
-2 Thoughtseize +2 The Meathook Massacre

Match Up Notes:

  • Whole matchup is dependent if they can get a birthing ritual on board.

Show/Shift and Tell


-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-4 Fatal Push +2 Spell Snare
-1 Toxic Deluge +1 Surgical Extraction
+1 Disruptor Flute

Match Up Notes:

  • Mulligan to have at least 1 interaction spell or brainstorm in your opening hand. (Stop at 5 cards)

  • You can also keep hands that are very aggressive but still try to look for interaction.



On the Play:

-1 Fatal Push
+2 Spell Pierce
-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Snare
-2 Mana Drain +2 Bloodchief’s Thirst
-2 Drown in the Loch +1 Unlicensed Hearse
-1 Toxic Deluge

On the Draw:

-2 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-2 Mana Drain +2 Spell Snare
-2 Drown in the Loch +2 Bloodchief’s Thirst
-2 Thoughtseize +1 Unlicensed Hearse
  +1 Demonic Tutor

Match Up Notes:

  • Early Nethergoyf is a beating, just keep deploying threats until you run them out of answers.
  • Resolving Unlicensed Hearse often wins the game

Dimir Control

-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-4 Fatal Push +2 Spell Snare
-2 Drown in the Loch -2 Bloodchief’s Thirst
-1 Toxic Deluge -1 Demonic Tutor
-1 Unlicensed Hearse

Match Up Notes:

  • Removal spells for this deck is limited. Keep forcing them to have it until they run out of removal.
  • Flood the board if they flip a Tamiyo early. They can’t protect Tamiyo from multiple goyfs/frogs.

Jeskai Control

On the Play:

-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-2 Fatal Push -1 Demonic Tutor
-1 Toxic Deluge -1 Unlicensed Hearse

On the Draw:

-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-2 Fatal Push +2 Spell Snare
-2 Drown in the Loch -1 Demonic Tutor
-1Toxic Deluge -1 Unlicensed Hearse

Match Up Notes:

  • Try to push aggressively early on.
  • Be cautious when they have access to 3 mana and above.
  • Limit use of counterspells for The One Ring/Teferi/Solitude(Hardcast)


-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-4 Fatal Push +2 Spell Snare
-1 Mana Drain +1 Demonic Tutor
-1 Toxic Deluge +1 Disruptor Flute
+1 Unlicensed Hearse

Match Up Notes:

  • Heavily revolves around them resolving beans/oko/cabaretti revels/minsc&boo.
  • Don’t let any of those resolve while applying enough pressure.

Rakdos Scam

-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-2 Mana Drain +2 Bloodchief’s Thirst
-2 Inquisition of Kozilek +1 Surgical Extraction
-2 Thoughtseize +1 Stone of Erech
-1 Toxic Deluge +1 Demonic Tutor
+1 Unlicensed Hearse

Match Up Notes:

  • Avoid taking mulligans if possible.
  • Play around blood moon if you can.
  • Don’t let The One Ring resolve.
  • Games against this deck revolve around you finding removal and them trying to resolve ring.

Esper Rescanimator

-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-2 Mana Drain +2 Spell Snare
-2 Drown in the Loch +2 Bloodchief’s Thirst
-2 Inquisition of Kozilek +1 Surgical Extraction
-2 Thoughtseize +1 Stone of Erech
-1 Toxic Deluge +1 Demonic Tutor
+1 Unlicensed Hearse

Match Up Notes:

  • Avoid taking mulligans if possible.
  • Take the control role, stopping them from using a well placed reanimate.

Dimir Scam

-1 Mishra’s Bauble +2 Spell Pierce
-2 Mana Drain +2 Spell Snare
-2 Drown in the Loch +2 Bloodchief’s Thirst
-2 Inquisition of Kozilek +1 Surgical Extraction
-2 Thoughtseize +1 Stone of Erech
-1 Toxic Deluge +1 Demonic Tutor
+1 Unlicensed Hearse

Match Up Notes:

  • Avoid taking mulligans if possible.
  • Don’t let The One Ring resolve.
  • Games against this deck revolve around you finding removal and them trying to resolve ring.


*Chthonian Nightmare has been removed post-recording*

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