Modern Tier List 8/1/24
August 1, 2024
By IslandGoSamE

Magic is the art of correctly generalizing from sample sizes too small to draw real conclusions.

Andrew Elenbogen (@Ajelenbogen)

The release of Bloomburrow is here, and it SHOULD be exciting! Except we have one little card that is overshadowing anything new. We don’t need to talk about Nadu too much today, we went in depth there for the past few weeks and as you can see from the data from Magic Online, the SCG Modern 10Ks, and the Portuguese 12K, Nadu continues to stand miles above the rest of the Modern format.

That being said, I’m in a very good mood today and a stupid 3/4 bird won’t take that away from me, so the rest of this article will be only good and happy thoughts!!!!



I want to take a moment to talk about the one new Bloomburrow card that essentially revitalized an archetype, Helga!

This deck features Helga as a pseudo-Beanstalk card for a 4 Color Control shell. Although the body on Helga is MUCH more fragile than a 2 mana enchantment, this effect is still unique enough where she can still get the job done. The main difference between Helga and Beanstalk is that Helga triggers off of 4 mana creatures as well! This means Subtlety, Omnath, and even Bloodbraid Elf will draw you a card and gain you a life. With a Helga in play, it will be extremely difficult to ever run out of gas. Bloodbraid is a little suspect in this deck, mainly because it includes a lot of “whiffs”, such as a redundant legendary Helga, Delighted Halfing, and Wrath of the Skies X=0. However, there are still a ton of great creatures to play on 4, so as people continue to explore this archetype, this is the slot that I suspect will be altered first.


While the easiest and most obvious spot to put the Eldrazi cards from MH3 is in Tron shells, recently, we have seen some innovation putting them into non-Tron decks that can actually support another color besides green.

This is essentially a Green-based Eldrazi deck that can support white cards in the sideboard once it cut the Tron lands for Brushland and Aetherhub! It’s just 2 Drannith Magistrate and 2 Suncleanser, both of which are great hate cards for decks that are definitely problematic matchups, but this shell could definitely support Rest in Peace or any other white SB card that could be important in the future.

Argentum Masticore is some really sweet tech as well. This is a card that has only really seen play in Vintage Workshop deck sideboards, as a way to cleanly remove a Collector Oophe, but its application here makes a bit of sense. This deck wants to take as much advantage of Ugin’s Labyrinth as possible, so it’s playing 11 total cards with CMC 7+. Emrakul, the World Anew, being 4 of those 11, is an extremely powerful card, but it can be difficult to madness it out. The deck does play 4 Urza’s Saga to find your 1 The Underworld Cookbook, but recent Emrakul Tron decks do sometimes struggle to cast her. Argentum Masticore gives you that needed discard outlet on a pretty reasonable body that’s also able to destroy any problematic permanent if you discard something huge.

Although Sowing Mycospawn can no longer find you that last missing Tron Piece and give you 5+ mana, this archetype is now able to support playing great selection cards like Ancient Stirrings due to the addition of real colored lands. In formats where Karn, the Great Creator isn’t necessary to stop decks like Living End and other combo decks, I would think that this evolution of the Eldrazi archetype is the way to proceed in this new metagame.

TIER LIST!!!!!!!!:

S Tier

A Tier

B Tier

C Tier

D Tier

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