The start to a new series where Anthony covers all the hidden treasures of the 5-0 dumps.
Modern Tier List 8/27/24
*Ding Dong* The Bird is DEAD. IslandgoSAMe is hear to breakdown his thoughts on where the modern format is headed post-ban
MTG Modern Tier List 8/15/24
IslandGoSAMe shares his plans and analysis to break down the Modern Metagame
Modern Tier List 8/1/24
IslandGoSAMe shares his plans and analysis to break down the Modern Metagame
Modern Tier List 7/25/24
IslandGoSAMe shares his plans and analysis to break down the Modern Metagame
Ugin’s Labyrinth – The New Ancient Tomb
Let’s cut to the chase. Ugin's Labyrinth is Modern’s Ancient Tomb. Modern Horizon’s 3 gives us Ugin’s Labyrinth, which does require you to pitch a card to the Imprint cost, so it’s not always going to be producing 2 mana, but if you want to make sure this is always...
The Plot in Who?: Jace Reawakened and its Many Uses
Tyrant is back to rant and rave about just what he has learned about Jace Reawakened
Outlaws of Thunder Junction: Top 10 Common and Uncommon for Pioneer and Modern
Anthony is back again with their Top 10 Commons and Uncommons for Outlaws of Thunder Junction
Esper Goryo Primer
Nero joins us from the Goryo’s Vengeance Discord with their in-depth Primer and Sideboard Guide