IslandGoSAMe shares his week’s worth of data collection and analysis to break down the Pioneer metagame and shares his top choices to sleeve up.
Modern Tier List 9/12/24
IslandgoSAMe is here to breakdown his thoughts on where the modern format is Two-Weeks after the bans.
Pioneer Tier List 9/4/24
The wait for bans is over and IslandgoSAMe is back to tell us both where the format is moving.
Modern Tier List 8/27/24
*Ding Dong* The Bird is DEAD. IslandgoSAMe is hear to breakdown his thoughts on where the modern format is headed post-ban
MTG Modern Tier List 8/15/24
IslandGoSAMe shares his plans and analysis to break down the Modern Metagame
Modern Tier List 8/1/24
IslandGoSAMe shares his plans and analysis to break down the Modern Metagame